Recipes from Friends of Hidden Hollow
Suggested by Lynn Scheu
From Jeanette, who learned it from her mom, who learned it from her grandmother Bea Tower.
From Pop and Debi
From Mo
From Wolfgang Puck's Savory Squash Soup, suggested by Naira Campbell.
Take a quantity of Keswick codlings (sic!), pared, cored, and cut in quarters. Stew them in a little water, but not as long as to allow them to become pulp. Sweeten amply with pounded loaf sugar, and flavour to taste, with cayenne pepper; color with cochineal.
Pare and core without dividing two pounds of sweet apples. Place them in a saucepan with two glasses of whiskey, a pound and a half of sugar, a little whole ginger, the rind and juice of two lemons, and an inch of cinnamon.
Simmer very gently for two hours. Take the scum off as it rises, and turn the apples every now and then. When the apples are clear, take them off carefully, place them in the jars in which they are to be kept, and boil the liquid a few minutes, and pour it over them. This is a very nice dessert dish. If tied down closely, the fruit will keep twelve months. Probable cost, 1s. 6d., exclusive of the whiskey.
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